Recipe: Coco Whities gf df vegan
By karolina | |
***COCO WHITIES*** gluten free, dairy free, vegan Preparation: 45 min   Ingredients: (15 to 17 balls) 2 Tbsp of coconut oil 100 g (1/2 pack) of creamed coconut oil 1
The Truth About Factory Farms – Dr Mercola
By karolina | |
The mass production of America's food comes with a hefty price. Find out the environmental, animal, and human impact of raising over 99 percent of US farm animals in factory
Recipe: Hazelnut Butter Brownies
By karolina | |
***HAZELNUT BUTTER BROWNIES*** gluten free Preparation: 25 min Baking time: 16-18 min Ingredients: 4 tbsp of hazelnut butter 100 g of butter 100 g of 85% dark chocolate 10 medjool
Yoga for Children
By karolina | |
Hi everyone! Recently I got many enquiries about yoga for children, so I decided to give it a try. We will have a tester class on the 8th of April,
Recipe: Kale crisps
By karolina | |
***KALE CRISPS*** (anti-Candida diet-friendly, free of: gluten, wheat, yeast, sugar, dairy, nuts)   Preparation: 15 min Cooking: 25/35 min   Ingredients: two large bowls of kale, fine salt, 1 tsp
Recipe: Anti-Candida diet: crackers
By karolina | |
Many people ask me what do I eat while on Candida diet. Food variety is important when you are not allowed to eat so many products. Although, anti-Candida diet is
Recipe: Anti-Candida diet: pancakes
By karolina | |
Hi everyone! Pancake Tuesday is just around the corner, and while some of you might be able to enjoy original wheat flour and sugary pancakes, others are not so lucky!
Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana
By karolina | |
Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana 1. Start on all fours: -Have the wrists underneath the shoulders and knees underneath the hips*. -Spread the fingers, press the knuckles, thumbs